i was installing and then it froze on the SVG Viewer install... this is under xp, so i let it sit but i eventually had to reboot... so i went in on reboot to the add/remove programs and removed it so i could install fresh... and it removed it, so it seemed... i also removed the svg viewer... so now it's not under add/remove programs but every time i go to install it asks if i want to remove, repair, or modify, so i choose repair. it acted like it did somethin, and then it didnt. so then i removed again it looked okay but it still asked me to modify, repair, etc.. so i choose modify and choose to reinstall all the components from the drop down list, and it got partly through and said "the filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect." filegroup: msvcrt, File: <svMSVCRT>\ so then after fooling around i managed to not get this error by not choosing the main program install option, but this time i get the same error only about <svFONTS>.... so then i tried repairing windows.... still the same problem... i turned my clock back to 2001, even 2000, and then 1999! no luck! can anyone help me!! i'm lost and i'm in desperate need!!