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Install Solaris using boot media on a sun 5220 not e/w DVD rom... Jumpstart? 1

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Technical User
Sep 15, 2003
I need to install SW which has Solaris in the boot media on a t5220 which I have only the ok prompt.

I have on the same network a t5120 this server has a DVD-rom. Reading about jumpstart, it seems like I need to get the MAC address of the t5220, but I have access only to ok prompt . I could try boot net, but how would I get the MAC?

Originally I thought to have a FTP or tftp install boot net and it would take the path from the anonymous share directory that I would have direct to DVD rom of the other server, but it doesn't work... So I decided to take the jumpstart approach, but even after installing the jumpstart functions and copy the file on that t5120, it will not work unless I have the MAC and once I tried to do boot net on the T5220, it doesn't get the DHCP to work therefore the t5220 keep on trying get the IP (requesting IP to dhcp)

Any help would be great... I am sure I'm not too far to make it work,but missing info, expertise ...

on the T5220 type banner.. Mac is provided there called ethernet address. See in bold. You have to add that to /etc/ethers on you jumpstart server and give it a name then edit your /etc/inet/hosts file and provide the name you gave the system in your /etc/ethers and also assign an ip.

SPARC Enterprise T5220, No Keyboard
Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
OpenBoot 4.30.0, 1024 MB memory available, Serial #83506149.
Ethernet address 0:14:4f:fa:33:e5, Host ID: 84fa33e5.

Thanks cndcadams !

I did, but how to setup an IP to a T5220 which cannot boot, I am at OK prompt and the only thing I can do is boot with options...

I got up to a point where it is just requesting an IP from DHCP, but my router is not providing an IP, so I gues I need to setup something in the T5120 to provide ths DHCP capability, correct?
There is alot more to jumpstart than meets the eye

On the T5120
What OS version are you running?
Did you create and entry in /etc/ethers (on the T5120) for the T5220? (using the ethernet address found in banner command on T5220)
Depending if OS is Solaris 9 did you edit /etc/hosts and add entry for T5220?
Depending if OS is Solaris 10 did you edit /etc/inet/hosts?

Did you cd into the jumpstart directory and run you add_install_client command to add the unit to tftpboot?

If all above is done correctly then on the T5220 run

boot net - install

The T5220 will then look for any server providing an ip address for its MAC address

Also here is another way of doing things

I got it working, but ending up with this message
Press the return key for an interactive Solaris install...
- Warning ----------------------------------------------------------------------

One or more disks are found, but one of the
following problems exists:

> Hardware failure

> Unformatted disk.


SO I am formatting the Disks at this moment... very long process 4x HD 300GB It is running for about 5 hours already...
I managed to get a DVD-Rom on USB, not sure if it will be faster to install, but I will give it a try once the verify is completed.

Thanks for your help and direction, it helped for sure...
How long should take format & Verify?

I am running this command below since 21 hours and it is still running...
It's a T5220 e/w 4 x 300 GB HD. I want to install Solaris 10.

format> format
Mode sense page(4) reports rpm value as 0, adjusting it to 3600
Ready to format. Formatting cannot be interrupted.
Continue? y
Beginning format. The current time is Wed Jul 31 09:33:31 2013

Mode sense page(4) reports rpm value as 0, adjusting it to 3600

Verifying media...
pass 0 - pattern = 0xc6dec6de

Please let me know,
There must be a quicker way to do this....
are these sun certified drives, meaning do they have the sun label on them? At this point just let it run but format can take a very long time(however does seem very lengthy). Did you configure them in a raid set or just as single drive..

meaning when you ran format did you see 4 drives or 1? Can you scroll up and provide screen shot of the format command where it shows the drives?

Also generally all sun drives come from the manufacturer as formatted and labeled for Sun systems and just the fact it needed to be formatted is questionable. Very rarely do I ever have to format and label a sun drive an I deal with hundreds of them. If it was a third party drive then there is a good chance they were never in a sun system and therefore never formatted and labelled.

I guess it will run up to 65533

Yes they are SUN HD I have 4 physically inserted into the server, so they are probably in pair, but they really show 300 MB on them.

# format -e
Searching for disks...done

c1t0d0: configured with capacity of 278.99GB
c1t2d0: configured with capacity of 278.99GB

0. c1t0d0 <LSILOGIC-LogicalVolume-3000 cyl 65533 alt 2 hd 32 sec 279>
1. c1t2d0 <LSILOGIC-LogicalVolume-3000 cyl 65533 alt 2 hd 32 sec 279>
Specify disk (enter its number): 0

I have a lot to learn on this... :)

It`s up to:
Verifying media...
pass 0 - pattern = 0xc6dec6de

So if I am correct on the Cyl = this pattern above then another 5 or 6 hours...

could be. and yes they are configured in 2 raid set from what I see.

do you want to use hardware raid or were you intending to use svm for mirroring?

Best decide now and we can fix things. If you do not want to use the on-board raid then we can remove them from raid set so they all show up as individual drive and then once OS is installed you can mirror with svm.

Here is example of raidctl commands you can run to look at configuration and if you want to blow away we can just post the outputs of commands
# [highlight #EF2929]raidctl[/highlight]

Controller: 1 (this tells us the controller id is 1.)


Disk: 0.0.0

Disk: 0.1.0

What I did here was run command with –l and give volume name from above output

# [highlight #EF2929]raidctl -l c1t0d0[/highlight]

Volume Size Stripe Status Cache RAID

Sub Size Level



c1t0d0 68.3G N/A OPTIMAL OFF RAID1

0.0.0 68.3G GOOD

0.1.0 68.3G GOOD

From below we used a –l with controller# which gives us the controller model and firmware version of the controller

# [highlight #EF2929]raidctl -l 1[/highlight]

Controller Type Version


c1 LSI_1064

Hi Chris,

I am not sure if I will split them.. The raid provide some benefit too.. and I just seen the Pass 0 finished, now pass 1 just started so I am good for another 33 hours total for each pair... :)

Mode sense page(4) reports rpm value as 0, adjusting it to 3600

Verifying media...
pass 0 - pattern = 0xc6dec6de


pass 1 - pattern = 0x6db6db6d

When we look back Pass 0 : The current time is Wed Jul 31 09:33:31 2013 and completed on Thursday August 1 17:40 ...

# raidctl
Controller: 1
Disk: 0.0.0
Disk: 0.1.0
Disk: 0.2.0
Disk: 0.3.0
# raidctl -l c1t0d0
Volume Size Stripe Status Cache RAID
Sub Size Level
c1t0d0 279.3G N/A OPTIMAL OFF RAID1
0.0.0 279.3G GOOD
0.3.0 279.3G GOOD
# raidctl -l 1
Controller Type Version
c1 LSI_1068E
I've installed Solaris 10 after the Format completed and it worked.

but when I tried to install my application it failed...
I am assuming because of requirement not met in space, so I'm thinking to remove the RAID and get my 4x 300GB of HD.

Preparing system for Solaris install

Configuring disk (c1t0d0)
- Creating Solaris disk label (VTOC)

Creating and checking file systems
- Creating / (c1t0d0s0)
- Creating /usr/openwin (c1t0d0s1)
- Creating /var (c1t0d0s3)
- Creating /opt (c1t0d0s5)
- Creating /usr (c1t0d0s6)
- Creating /export/home (c1t0d0s7)

Beginning Solaris software installation

Solaris Initial Install

MBytes Installed: 4119.06
MBytes Remaining: 0.00


| | | | | |
0 20 40 60 80 100

ERROR: Could not create the product file

ERROR: Could not install all packages. Product installation failed

Could not install all packages. Product installation failed
Fatal Error
Solaris installation program exited.

What should I do to remove the RAID configuration ?

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