I cannot insert a value in a column whose design name is "Date". Even if I use a qualifier like tablename.Date I get an error saying column with this name does not exist. However the same qualifier works for an update statement.
Do you really mean 'UPDATE tab SET Date = nnnnn' works, but 'INSERT INTO tab (Date) VALUES (nnnnn)' doesn't? Then your dbms has a bug.
Besides it's a bad idea naming a column Date, because DATE is a reserved word in SQL. That means you have to double quote that name every time specifying it.
SELECT "Date", another_column FROM some_table
UPDATE some_table SET "Date" = nnnnn
INSERT INTO some_table ("Date", another_column) VALUES (nnnnn, yyyyy)
I am querying a simple MS Access Database table. I have now tried various possible combinations with quotes but i always get an error saying "Column does not exist" and if i remove the quotes then a syntax error for using name aready used by Access
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