I am working on designing a database at work and have the following tables:
Main Table
Article Name
Article Date
Hyperlink to PDF
Topic Table
List of Topics I can categorize articles into
List of Clients articles may relate to
List of GPs articles may relate to
Articles may relate to more than one GP, etc, and I have the three "list" tables linked to the main table in a many to many relationship through junction tables, which contains new fields with the same definitions as the primary key fields from each of the other two tables. In the junction table, the primary key fields function as foreign keys. I linked the two connecting tables to these in a 1:M relationship, artificially creating the M:M relationship.
I have created a form with list boxes so that more than one Topic, client and GP can be selected, but I cannot get the data to appear in the main table. We intend to query for articles based on client, topic and GP (looking for all articles that have the topic "hedge funds" selected, for example).
How do I get multiple entries to be entered in the main table.
Please let me know if I need to clarify this further.
Main Table
Article Name
Article Date
Hyperlink to PDF
Topic Table
List of Topics I can categorize articles into
List of Clients articles may relate to
List of GPs articles may relate to
Articles may relate to more than one GP, etc, and I have the three "list" tables linked to the main table in a many to many relationship through junction tables, which contains new fields with the same definitions as the primary key fields from each of the other two tables. In the junction table, the primary key fields function as foreign keys. I linked the two connecting tables to these in a 1:M relationship, artificially creating the M:M relationship.
I have created a form with list boxes so that more than one Topic, client and GP can be selected, but I cannot get the data to appear in the main table. We intend to query for articles based on client, topic and GP (looking for all articles that have the topic "hedge funds" selected, for example).
How do I get multiple entries to be entered in the main table.
Please let me know if I need to clarify this further.