I have the following javascript marquee code which uses static values:
I would like to:
1. replace the static values with dynamic values
2. dynamically change the fcontent[0] number to increase with each repeated record.
With my limited coding knowledge I've tried the following to accomplish the above but it does not work:
fcontent[0]="<b>What\'s new?</b><br>New scripts added to the Scroller category!<br><br>The MoreZone has been updated. <a href='../morezone/index.htm'>Click here to visit</a>";
fcontent[1]="Dynamic Drive has been featured on Jars as a top 5% resource, and About.com as a recommended DHTML destination.";
fcontent[2]="Ok, enough with these pointless messages. You get the idea behind this script.</a>";
I would like to:
1. replace the static values with dynamic values
2. dynamically change the fcontent[0] number to increase with each repeated record.
With my limited coding knowledge I've tried the following to accomplish the above but it does not work:
Dim no
While ((Repeat1__numRows <> 0) AND (NOT Recordset1.EOF))
fcontent[<%Response.Write(" &no&")%>]="<p><%= Recordset1("Company")%> - <%= Recordset1("City") %>, <%= Recordset1("State")%></br>
no = no + 1