I want to insert a new xml childNode into my document as marked below:
I want to be able to add new <condition></condition> statements in the <conditions></conditions> node but cannot find how to do this. Can anyone help?
i love chocolate
<division name="Get Course">
<section default="true">
<s>@ename@ has run @Runners@ times </s>
<s>After @Runners@ races, won @winners@ times</s>
[b]<condition>New node here</condition>[/b]
<condition>@Runners@ more than 5</condition>
<s>Run more than @Runners@ times</s>
<s>out of @Runners@ runs</s>
I want to be able to add new <condition></condition> statements in the <conditions></conditions> node but cannot find how to do this. Can anyone help?
i love chocolate