ARG! This is driving me nuts and I've been working on it three days:
<input type="hidden" name="doc" value= "<cfinclude template= "../Secure/Req/eSignDocs/#rsLoginVerification.docNumber#/Doc.cfm">">
I have a contract that needs to be stored in the hidden value of "doc" - this particular piece of code causes the whole template document to be output again...I've narrowed it down to something in the <> and/or "". anybody know how to do this?
Scott Neth
Web Designer/Cyberpunk
<input type="hidden" name="doc" value= "<cfinclude template= "../Secure/Req/eSignDocs/#rsLoginVerification.docNumber#/Doc.cfm">">
I have a contract that needs to be stored in the hidden value of "doc" - this particular piece of code causes the whole template document to be output again...I've narrowed it down to something in the <> and/or "". anybody know how to do this?
Scott Neth
Web Designer/Cyberpunk