I have many excel files in a directory that I want to read and update a table in ms sql server by inserting a new record with the values of a few cells in xls. the cell location in xls is the same for all excel files. I want to read the cells and insert them into my ms sql server. The worksheet name is part of the name of the file. ie filename = Claim_10008191.xls. The worksheet name = Claim#_10008191.
Here is what I have so far but can't get past this. I get an error with the dir() function (type mismatch dir()). I took this code from somewhere and changed it to fit my needs but can't get past this.
sPath = "C:\Audit Strategy\Projects\XLS to Data\"
sFile = dir(sPath + "*.xls")
while sFile <> ""
sFile = dir()
'ProcessFile(sPath + sFile)
Call ReadWkBk(sFile)
Function ReadWkBk(sFile)
Dim sServer
Dim sDBName
sServer = "USATL02PRSQ70"
sDBName = "STRATA"
Dim ConnectionString
ConnectionString = _
"Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _
"Data Source=" + sServer + ";" & _
"Initial Catalog=" + sDBName + ";" & _
"Integrated Security=SSPI"
' Connection assumes you have permission to connect to the named database as part of an AD
' group. Early binding assumes you have references set to the appropriate active X lib
Set connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
connection.Open ConnectionString
dim wbIn
'dim wbIn as Workbook
Set wbIn = Workbooks.Open(sFile)
'dim rSheet1 as Range, rsheet2 as Range, rsheet3 as Range, rsheet4 as Range, rsheet5 as Range, rsheet6 as Range
dim rSheet1, rsheet2, rsheet3, rsheet4, rsheet5, rsheet6
' create the name of the worksheet, using the name of the file.
dim clmnum
clmnum = right(sFile,12)
clmnum = left(clmnum,8)
clmnum = "claim#_" & clmnum
Set rSheet1 = wbIn.Worksheets(clmnum).Range("L8:L8")
Set rSheet2 = wbIn.Worksheets(clmnum).Range("L16:L16")
Set rSheet3 = wbIn.Worksheets(clmnum).Range("L17:L17")
Set rSheet4 = wbIn.Worksheets(clmnum).Range("L18:L18")
Set rSheet5 = wbIn.Worksheets(clmnum).Range("L19:L19")
Set rSheet6 = wbIn.Worksheets(clmnum).Range("L20:L20")
Dim sSQL
' Build a SQL command
sSQL = "INSERT INTO ClaimsXLS (ClaimNo,ClaimStatus,TotalPayment,DateOfPayment,ClaimlessRebate,RequestedAmount,WarrantyAmount) VALUES ( " & _
rSheet1.value & "," & _
rSheet2.value & "," & _
rSheet3.value & "," & _
rSheet4.value & "," & _
rSheet5.value & "," & _
rSheet6.value & "," & _
" )"
' Excecute the SQL
Set Recordset = connection.Execute(sSQL)
end Function
wscript.echo "done"
Here is what I have so far but can't get past this. I get an error with the dir() function (type mismatch dir()). I took this code from somewhere and changed it to fit my needs but can't get past this.
sPath = "C:\Audit Strategy\Projects\XLS to Data\"
sFile = dir(sPath + "*.xls")
while sFile <> ""
sFile = dir()
'ProcessFile(sPath + sFile)
Call ReadWkBk(sFile)
Function ReadWkBk(sFile)
Dim sServer
Dim sDBName
sServer = "USATL02PRSQ70"
sDBName = "STRATA"
Dim ConnectionString
ConnectionString = _
"Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _
"Data Source=" + sServer + ";" & _
"Initial Catalog=" + sDBName + ";" & _
"Integrated Security=SSPI"
' Connection assumes you have permission to connect to the named database as part of an AD
' group. Early binding assumes you have references set to the appropriate active X lib
Set connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
connection.Open ConnectionString
dim wbIn
'dim wbIn as Workbook
Set wbIn = Workbooks.Open(sFile)
'dim rSheet1 as Range, rsheet2 as Range, rsheet3 as Range, rsheet4 as Range, rsheet5 as Range, rsheet6 as Range
dim rSheet1, rsheet2, rsheet3, rsheet4, rsheet5, rsheet6
' create the name of the worksheet, using the name of the file.
dim clmnum
clmnum = right(sFile,12)
clmnum = left(clmnum,8)
clmnum = "claim#_" & clmnum
Set rSheet1 = wbIn.Worksheets(clmnum).Range("L8:L8")
Set rSheet2 = wbIn.Worksheets(clmnum).Range("L16:L16")
Set rSheet3 = wbIn.Worksheets(clmnum).Range("L17:L17")
Set rSheet4 = wbIn.Worksheets(clmnum).Range("L18:L18")
Set rSheet5 = wbIn.Worksheets(clmnum).Range("L19:L19")
Set rSheet6 = wbIn.Worksheets(clmnum).Range("L20:L20")
Dim sSQL
' Build a SQL command
sSQL = "INSERT INTO ClaimsXLS (ClaimNo,ClaimStatus,TotalPayment,DateOfPayment,ClaimlessRebate,RequestedAmount,WarrantyAmount) VALUES ( " & _
rSheet1.value & "," & _
rSheet2.value & "," & _
rSheet3.value & "," & _
rSheet4.value & "," & _
rSheet5.value & "," & _
rSheet6.value & "," & _
" )"
' Excecute the SQL
Set Recordset = connection.Execute(sSQL)
end Function
wscript.echo "done"