I have a situation where I have two tables object in process the object table includes a field for all the objects the process table is linked to the object table by objectID. The process shows the process for the objects by step numbers the client wants the next step in the form to automatically default to the next step for that particular object. Then they want the ability to override the default insert a number in between 2 steps for instance 1 and 2 are steps they decide there is a step inbetween 1 and 2 say 1.2 then they want access to reorder the steps 1 1.2 becomes 2 and 2 becomes 3. Following is the fields for the table.
Object Table
objID = objectID
Lib = name of library primary key
Name = actual name of the object primary key
Type = type of library Primary Key
As400narr = narrative that relates to the Lib, Name, Type
ObjNarr = input by user
StepID = for the ID of the step
StepNum =the number of the step that has to be coded for coding
Process= memo field where they descripe the process
Process Table
ObjID = from the object table
StepNum= the number of the step
Business Rule ID = the business rule for the individual procee
Object Table
objID = objectID
Lib = name of library primary key
Name = actual name of the object primary key
Type = type of library Primary Key
As400narr = narrative that relates to the Lib, Name, Type
ObjNarr = input by user
StepID = for the ID of the step
StepNum =the number of the step that has to be coded for coding
Process= memo field where they descripe the process
Process Table
ObjID = from the object table
StepNum= the number of the step
Business Rule ID = the business rule for the individual procee