ok i am trying to take info typed in a text box and have it inserted as a new field in a database. so like i put in physician for a company type, i want a new comapny type to be physician in the company types table in the database. this is some of the code i am using:
the connection / insert:
the html text box with update button:
if anyone could help with this i would appreciate it
the connection / insert:
Set rsCompanyTypes = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsCompanyTypes.ActiveConnection = MM_WoosterChamberData_STRING
rsCompanyTypes.Source = "SELECT * FROM COMPANYTYPES"
rsCompanyTypes.CursorType = 0
rsCompanyTypes.CursorLocation = 2
rsCompanyTypes.LockType = 2
rsCompanyTypes("CompanyType") = CompanyType
the html text box with update button:
<table align="center">
<tr valign="baseline">
<td width="130" align="right" nowrap><font size="2" face="MS Sans Serif">Enter new company type:</font></td>
<td width="284"> <input name="CompanyType" type="text" size="32" maxlength="255">
<tr valign="baseline">
<td nowrap align="right"><font size="2" face="MS Sans Serif"> </font></td>
<td> <input type="submit" value="Update Company Types"> </td>
if anyone could help with this i would appreciate it