Hello,<br><br>I want to place an insert statement into my remote view that is connected with a acces database.<br>The code functions but after the insert -statement get an error with the description connection factuur2 is busy<br>(error 1541). <br><br>I don't know how to solve this. Please help me.<br><br>Thanks.<br><br><br>ln_test = "MAART7"<br>lnhandle = sqlconnect('factuur2')<br>IF lnhandle <= 0<br>*MESSAGEBOX('Kan geen verbinding maken', 16, 'SQL Connect Error')<br>ELSE<br>MESSAGEBOX('Verbinding gemaakt', 48, 'SQL Verbinding met facturerings systeem')<br>open database c:\artline_relatie\data\factuur_data<br>use remote_factuur_view<br>insert into remote_factuur_view (klantid) values(ln_test)<br>csource = SQLGETPROP(lnhandle,"ConnectBusy" <br>SQLDISCONNECT(lnhandle)<br>ENDIF