I have a table of data that I want to run a query against to insert a running total column based on a field in the table (Member ID).
Example of the column data would be:
Member ID Benefit Plan Date
I want to have a running total on a reoccuring Member ID. Example of the Query output would be:
Member ID Benefit Plan Date RunningTotal
12345678 Medical 12/1/2000 1
12345678 Dental 12/1/2000 2
12345678 Life 1/1/2004 3
Example of the column data would be:
Member ID Benefit Plan Date
I want to have a running total on a reoccuring Member ID. Example of the Query output would be:
Member ID Benefit Plan Date RunningTotal
12345678 Medical 12/1/2000 1
12345678 Dental 12/1/2000 2
12345678 Life 1/1/2004 3