I am attempting to execute a VBScript that will insert the results returned into a SQL table. The script executes without error, but when I check the SQL table nothing has been inserted. Could someone please take a look at the script below and let me know where I have gone wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help.
<job id="Export_Userids">
<object id="iLETS" progid="iCONECT.iLETS"/>
<script language="VBScript">
Dim AllTheUsers
Dim ClientsAndCases
Dim OneUser
Dim UserName
Dim UserID
Dim EmailAddress
Dim FirstName
Dim LastName
Dim IsActive
Dim Description
Dim ObjConn
Set AllTheUsers = iLETS.AllUsers
' Retrieve and Print Host Computer Name
Set objComputer = CreateObject("Shell.LocalMachine")
Wscript.Echo "Running script on -" & objComputer.MachineName
' Establish Connection to SQL Database
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};" & _
"Server=xxx.xxx.xxx.x;" & _
"Database=xxxxxxxxxxx;" & _
"user id=xxxxxxxx;" & _
' Create Loop to Append SQL table
LowerBound = AllTheUsers.LowerBound
UpperBound = AllTheUsers.UpperBound
J = 1
For I = LowerBound To UpperBound
Set OneUser = AllTheUsers.UserAt (I)
UserName = OneUser.Name
'WScript.Echo "User name:" & UserName
'WScript.Echo "Variable type:" & typename(UserName)
UserID = cstr(OneUser.ID)
' WScript.Echo "User ID:" & UserID
' WScript.Echo "Variable type:" & typename (UserID)
EmailAddress = OneUser.EmailAddress
' WScript.Echo "EmailAddress:" & EmailAddress
' WScript.Echo "Variable type:" & typename (EmailAddress)
FirstName = OneUser.FirstName
' WScript.Echo "First Name:" & FirstName
' WScript.Echo "Variable type:" & typename (FirstName)
LastName = OneUser.LastName
' WScript.Echo "Last Name:" & LastName
' WScript.Echo "Variable type:" & typename (LastName)
Phone = OneUser.ContactNumber
' WScript.Echo "Phone:" & Phone
' WScript.Echo "Variable type:" & typename (Phone)
IsActive = OneUser.IsActive
Description = OneUser.Description
' Execute SQL Insert Query
strSQL = "INSERT INTO xxxxxxxx_users_report (UserName," & _
"UserID, EmailAddress, FirstName, LastName, Description, Isactive, Phone, Server) VALUES (" & _
"'" & UserName & "'," & _
"'" & UserID & "'," & _
"'" & EmailAddress & "'," & _
"'" & FirstName & "'," & _
"'" & LastName & "'," & _
"'" & Description & "'," & _
"'" & IsActive & "'," & _
"'" & Phone & "'," & _
"'" & objComputer.MachineName & "')"
J = J + 1
' Loop completes, list exported.
WScript.Echo "List of Users Exported."
I am attempting to execute a VBScript that will insert the results returned into a SQL table. The script executes without error, but when I check the SQL table nothing has been inserted. Could someone please take a look at the script below and let me know where I have gone wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help.
<job id="Export_Userids">
<object id="iLETS" progid="iCONECT.iLETS"/>
<script language="VBScript">
Dim AllTheUsers
Dim ClientsAndCases
Dim OneUser
Dim UserName
Dim UserID
Dim EmailAddress
Dim FirstName
Dim LastName
Dim IsActive
Dim Description
Dim ObjConn
Set AllTheUsers = iLETS.AllUsers
' Retrieve and Print Host Computer Name
Set objComputer = CreateObject("Shell.LocalMachine")
Wscript.Echo "Running script on -" & objComputer.MachineName
' Establish Connection to SQL Database
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};" & _
"Server=xxx.xxx.xxx.x;" & _
"Database=xxxxxxxxxxx;" & _
"user id=xxxxxxxx;" & _
' Create Loop to Append SQL table
LowerBound = AllTheUsers.LowerBound
UpperBound = AllTheUsers.UpperBound
J = 1
For I = LowerBound To UpperBound
Set OneUser = AllTheUsers.UserAt (I)
UserName = OneUser.Name
'WScript.Echo "User name:" & UserName
'WScript.Echo "Variable type:" & typename(UserName)
UserID = cstr(OneUser.ID)
' WScript.Echo "User ID:" & UserID
' WScript.Echo "Variable type:" & typename (UserID)
EmailAddress = OneUser.EmailAddress
' WScript.Echo "EmailAddress:" & EmailAddress
' WScript.Echo "Variable type:" & typename (EmailAddress)
FirstName = OneUser.FirstName
' WScript.Echo "First Name:" & FirstName
' WScript.Echo "Variable type:" & typename (FirstName)
LastName = OneUser.LastName
' WScript.Echo "Last Name:" & LastName
' WScript.Echo "Variable type:" & typename (LastName)
Phone = OneUser.ContactNumber
' WScript.Echo "Phone:" & Phone
' WScript.Echo "Variable type:" & typename (Phone)
IsActive = OneUser.IsActive
Description = OneUser.Description
' Execute SQL Insert Query
strSQL = "INSERT INTO xxxxxxxx_users_report (UserName," & _
"UserID, EmailAddress, FirstName, LastName, Description, Isactive, Phone, Server) VALUES (" & _
"'" & UserName & "'," & _
"'" & UserID & "'," & _
"'" & EmailAddress & "'," & _
"'" & FirstName & "'," & _
"'" & LastName & "'," & _
"'" & Description & "'," & _
"'" & IsActive & "'," & _
"'" & Phone & "'," & _
"'" & objComputer.MachineName & "')"
J = J + 1
' Loop completes, list exported.
WScript.Echo "List of Users Exported."