I have a table in sql server 2000 with four fields. I would like to insert or update to this table using VBA in Excel 2003. Individually the updates and inserts work. The trouble is with the condition where the recordcount always returns more than 0 rows I guess.
Here is the code I have written so far.
I know it might be just a simple thing but I am not able to get this right.
Thanks for all your help.
Here is the code I have written so far.
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Worksheets("Report").Shapes("Text Box 1").Select
CommentsText = Mid(Selection.Characters.Text, 25)
Worksheets("Report").Shapes("Text Box 3").Select
IssuesText = Mid(Selection.Characters.Text, 9)
sqlstring = "UPDATE comments"
sqlstring = sqlstring & " SET Comments = '" & CommentsText & "'"
sqlstring = sqlstring & ",Issues = '" & IssuesText & "'"
sqlstring = sqlstring & " WHERE Title = '" & Trim(Worksheets("Report").ComboBox1.Value) & "' AND Month_ = '" & Trim(Worksheets("Report").ComboBox2.Value) & "'"
oName = Worksheets("Report").ComboBox1.Value
oDate = Trim(Format(Worksheets("Report").ComboBox2.Value, "mmmm-yyyy"))
Options = "(Title, Month_, Issues, Comments)"
Values = "('" & Trim(Worksheets("Report").ComboBox1.Value) & "','" & Trim(Worksheets("Report").ComboBox2.Value) & "','" & IssuesText & "','" & CommentsText & "');"
sqlstring1 = "Insert into comments" & Options & "VALUES" & Values
'sqlstring = sqlstring & "(" "," "," & CommentsText & "," & IssuesText & ")"
'MsgBox sqlstring
updatecond = "select * from comments where Title = '" & oName & "' AND Month_ = '" & oDate & "'"
Dim cnComments As ADODB.Connection
Set cnComments = New ADODB.Connection
Dim strConn As String
cnComments.Open strConn
cnComments.Execute (updatecond)
Dim rsComments As ADODB.Recordset
Set rsComments = New ADODB.Recordset
MsgBox rsComments.RecordCount
'rsupdate = cnComments.Execute(updatecond)
'rsComments.Open (updatecond)
If Not (rsComments.BOF Or rsComments.EOF) Then
'MsgBox sqlstring
'If rsComments.RecordCount > 0 Then
'If rsComments.RecordCount > 0 Then
MsgBox sqlstring
With rsComments
.ActiveConnection = cnComments
.Open sqlstring
End With
MsgBox sqlstring1
cnComments.Execute sqlstring1
End If
Set rsComments = Nothing
Set cnComments = Nothing
End Sub
I know it might be just a simple thing but I am not able to get this right.
Thanks for all your help.