I get the below error
Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0E78)
Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.
when using the below code to insert into a dbase, It seems to insert into the dbase but doesn't like the user.close statement, any help please!!
SQL="SELECT id FROM courses_users WHERE id="&userID&" "
set prod=objconn.execute(SQL)
if (prod.BOF and prod.EOF) then
Response.write("get a cookie"
SQLInsert="INSERT INTO courses_users (id, name) VALUES ("&userid&", 'tim')"
set user=objconn.execute(SQLInsert)
set user=nothing
Flagged = "TRUE"
end if
Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0E78)
Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.
when using the below code to insert into a dbase, It seems to insert into the dbase but doesn't like the user.close statement, any help please!!
SQL="SELECT id FROM courses_users WHERE id="&userID&" "
set prod=objconn.execute(SQL)
if (prod.BOF and prod.EOF) then
Response.write("get a cookie"
SQLInsert="INSERT INTO courses_users (id, name) VALUES ("&userid&", 'tim')"
set user=objconn.execute(SQLInsert)
set user=nothing
Flagged = "TRUE"
end if