So first off I wasn't quite sure whether I should post this in Access, SQL Server, ASP or another forum! I hope this is the right place...
I'm trying to do an automated daily import of around 640k records (originally in a csv file) into a SQL Server Database. Unfortunately the SQL DB is hosted and commands such as BULK INSERT and OPENROWSOURCE return permission denied errors interacting with SQL Server directly.
So my thinking is that if I start with a MS Access connection i should be able to insert from there into SQL Server?
So a heavily simplified version of my code (ASP) is as follows:
Obviously not working at present - any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
So first off I wasn't quite sure whether I should post this in Access, SQL Server, ASP or another forum! I hope this is the right place...
I'm trying to do an automated daily import of around 640k records (originally in a csv file) into a SQL Server Database. Unfortunately the SQL DB is hosted and commands such as BULK INSERT and OPENROWSOURCE return permission denied errors interacting with SQL Server directly.
So my thinking is that if I start with a MS Access connection i should be able to insert from there into SQL Server?
So a heavily simplified version of my code (ASP) is as follows:
set con=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\MyAccessDB.accdb;Mode=ReadWrite;Persist Security Info=False"
sSQL="INSERT INTO [Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=db123.db.xxx.com,1433;Initial Catalog=db123;User Id=dbo123;Password=xxx;].[myTable] (Column1) SELECT 'HelloWorld' as Column1 "
set con=nothing
Obviously not working at present - any ideas?
Thanks in advance,