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Insert Data into Access DB using CFQUERY

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Technical User
Jul 17, 2002
I have an application that is working well except for one thing. The submitted data will not insert into the Acess table. I have checked all of the field names, I have tried other applications running on this same DB and they work, and I have checked each field in the table to ensure that there are in special requirements before inserting the data. Here is the query:

<CFQUERY NAME=&quot;addexpense&quot; DATASOURCE=&quot;WMRA&quot;>
INSERT INTO travel(req_name, req_email, organization, SPM_ID, bus_reason, num_travel, name_travel, from, to, overnight, num_nights, travel_cost, lodging_cost, meal_cost, meeting_cost, entertainment_cost, other_cost, alternate, approve, rstatus)
VALUES('#req_name#', '#req_email#', '#organization#', '#SPM_ID#', '#bus_reason#', '#num_travel#', '#name_travel#', '#from#', '#to#', '#overnight#', '#num_nights#', '#travel_cost#', '#lodging_cost#', '#meal_cost#', '#meeting_cost#', '#entertainment_cost#', '#other_cost#', '#alternate#', 'no', 'pending')

Here is the error I keep getting

Error Occurred While Processing Request
Error Diagnostic Information
ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation)

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFQUERY), occupying document position (10:1) to (10:45).

Date/Time: 08/28/03 14:44:29
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
Remote Address:
HTTP Referrer:

Please help!!!
I see that you have single quotes around all of your VALUES in the insert statement. If any of these values are being inserted into a &quot;Numeric&quot; data type, you can't have quotes around the value. So, if the value '#num_nights#' (for example) is a number field in the database, it should be #num_nights#

Hope this Helps!

No. That still doesn't work.
It keeps saying there is something wrong with this line: <CFQUERY NAME=&quot;addexpense&quot; DATASOURCE=&quot;WMRA&quot;>
Everything else is fine.
No, it's saying that something is wrong WITH your Query, that STARTS on line 10:1. The Error specifically states: Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

A Syntax Error usually means that you have something quoted that shouldn't be, or an extra comma, or a missing comma, or a missing parentheses, etc...in your query.

Hope this Helps!

Thanks for trying to help. I've tried changing the fields one at a time but to no avail. Even though I didn't want to use CFINSERT, it's working with so I'll just stick with that for now.
When you start to get desprate then break the SQL statement into very small chunks that should work just fine for a beginner.

<CFQUERY NAME=&quot;addexpense&quot; DATASOURCE=&quot;WMRA&quot;>
INSERT INTO travel (req_name)
VALUES ('#req_name#')

does this very simple query work?
If so, add one variable at a time. At some poin the thing will break and you have found your problem. (Note: you do have to do all you required fields at the same time.)

Also, I am a big fan of space between things in SQL. I don't remember why, but I probably had a problem in the past. Add a space after travel and VALUES

&quot;from&quot; is a reserved word

the best way to test access syntax is to run the query statement in a local copy of access in the query design sql view

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