anyone know how to insert the contents of a string array into a Db records' fields?
For example I've tried
which throws up the error "Invalid value for Field 'Field1'".
(NB; all the fields in the Db Table I'm trying to write to are string-types.)
I've tried writing the string array to a variant array prior to trying to insert the data into the record but during the attempted insertion this simply throws up another problem with "Invalid variant type conversion".
I know 'InsertRecord' expects an 'array of const' but frankly the job has been so difficult just to get to this stage that it never occurred to me that actually getting the info. into a table would be a problem!
Anyone out there who can help?
anyone know how to insert the contents of a string array into a Db records' fields?
For example I've tried
which throws up the error "Invalid value for Field 'Field1'".
(NB; all the fields in the Db Table I'm trying to write to are string-types.)
I've tried writing the string array to a variant array prior to trying to insert the data into the record but during the attempted insertion this simply throws up another problem with "Invalid variant type conversion".
I know 'InsertRecord' expects an 'array of const' but frankly the job has been so difficult just to get to this stage that it never occurred to me that actually getting the info. into a table would be a problem!
Anyone out there who can help?