Hi Folks,
I have a table called DEPT. It has 24 fields. I have 24 possible form variables that can be stored in my form array. I am attempting to loop through my form array, and each insert 'Y' into each database field that matches my form variables name.
What I have is inserting but if I have 8 form variables, 8 new records are created, If all 24 variables are selected the 24 new records are created...etc.
What "should" be happening is 1 record being created with 8 or 24 field fields getting the 'Y' inserted.
Also if this helps I am using and auto increment id. The id is incremented using mysql_insert_id.
here is my code:
I have a table called DEPT. It has 24 fields. I have 24 possible form variables that can be stored in my form array. I am attempting to loop through my form array, and each insert 'Y' into each database field that matches my form variables name.
What I have is inserting but if I have 8 form variables, 8 new records are created, If all 24 variables are selected the 24 new records are created...etc.
What "should" be happening is 1 record being created with 8 or 24 field fields getting the 'Y' inserted.
Also if this helps I am using and auto increment id. The id is incremented using mysql_insert_id.
here is my code:
$fname = $_SESSION['fname'];
$title_dept = $_SESSION['title_dept'];
$lname = $_SESSION['lname'];
$cname = $_SESSION['cname'];
$praddress = $_SESSION['praddress'];
$city = $_SESSION['city'];
$state = $_SESSION['state'];
$zip = $_SESSION['zip'];
$email = $_SESSION['email'];
$url = $_SESSION['url'];
$phone = $_SESSION['phone'];
$fax = $_SESSION['fax'];
$iama = $_SESSION['iam'];
$pres_email = $_SESSION['pres_email'];
$pres_fname = $_SESSION['pres_fname'];
$pres_lname = $_SESSION['pres_lname'];
$pres_phone = $_SESSION['pres_phone'];
$pres_ext = $_SESSION['pres_ext'];
$sales_email = $_SESSION['sales_email'];
$sales_fname = $_SESSION['sales_fname'];
$sales_lname = $_SESSION['sales_lname'];
$sales_phone = $_SESSION['sales_phone'];
$sales_ext = $_SESSION['sales_ext'];
$mktg_email = $_SESSION['mktg_email'];
$mktg_fname = $_SESSION['mktg_fname'];
$mktg_lname = $_SESSION['mktg_lname'];
$mktg_phone = $_SESSION['mktg_phone'];
$mktg_ext = $_SESSION['mktg_ext'];
$credit_email = $_SESSION['credit_email'];
$credit_fname = $_SESSION['credit_fname'];
$credit_lname = $_SESSION['credit_lname'];
$credit_phone = $_SESSION['credit_phone'];
$credit_address = $_SESSION['credit_address'];
$credit_city = $_SESSION['credit_city'];
$credit_state = $_SESSION['credit_state'];
$credit_zip = $_SESSION['credit_zip'];
$ship_email = $_SESSION['ship_email'];
$ship_fname = $_SESSION['ship_fname'];
$ship_lname = $_SESSION['ship_lname'];
$ship_phone = $_SESSION['ship_phone'];
$ship_ext = $_SESSION['ship_ext'];
$ship_address = $_SESSION['ship_address'];
$ship_city = $_SESSION['ship_city'];
$ship_state = $_SESSION['ship_state'];
$ship_zip = $_SESSION['ship_zip'];
$depts = $_SESSION['dept'];
$con = mysql_connect($host,$dbuser,$password)or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($dbname, $con) or die(mysql_error());
$con2 = mysql_connect($host,$dbuser,$password)or die(mysql_error());
mysql_select_db($dbname, $con2) or die(mysql_error());
$uid = mysql_insert_id($con);
$uid2 = mysql_insert_id($con);
$SQL = "INSERT INTO users (uid,fname,title_dept,cname,praddress,city,state,zip,email,url," .
"phone,fax,iama,pres_email,pres_fname,pres_phone,pres_ext,sales_email," .
"sales_fname,sales_lname,sales_phone,sales_ext,mktg_email,mktg_fname,mktg_lname," .
"mktg_phone,mktg_ext,credit_email,credit_fname,credit_lname,credit_phone,credit_address," .
"credit_city,credit_state,credit_zip,ship_email,ship_fname,ship_lname,ship_phone,ship_ext," .
"VALUES('$uid','$fname','$title_dept','$cname','$praddress','$city','$state','$zip','$email','$url'," .
"'$phone','$fax','$iama','$pres_email','$pres_fname','$pres_phone','$pres_ext','$sales_email'," .
"'$sales_fname','$sales_lname','$sales_phone','$sales_ext','$mktg_email','$mktg_fname','$mktg_lname'," .
"'$mktg_phone','$mktg_ext','$credit_email','$credit_fname','$credit_lname','$credit_phone','$credit_address'," .
"'$credit_city','$credit_state','$credit_zip','$ship_email','$ship_fname','$ship_lname','$ship_phone','$ship_ext'," .
mysql_query($SQL) or die(mysql_error());
foreach ($depts as $key => $val)
$SQL2 = "INSERT INTO dept (uid,$val) VALUES ($uid2,'Y')";
mysql_query($SQL2) or die(mysql_error());
echo"all done";