I am trying to insert a key:value pair into an array based on another key:value pair. The json array is in a text file. I am not getting any errors, but nothing is inserted. After insertion it should look like the first array. The key and new value comes from a form.
Here is the array meetinfo_arrayTest.txt
Here is my code.
Any help would be appreciated.
Here is the array meetinfo_arrayTest.txt
[{"meetdate":"2019-03-23","topic":"Hypertension", "handout":"htn"},
Here is my code.
//retrieve values from form
$meetdate = $form->getValue('meetdate');
$acronym = $form->getValue('ho_acronym');
//Retrieve the data from our text file.
$fileContents = file_get_contents('../editor/textfiles/meetinfo_arrayTest.txt');
//Convert the JSON string back into an array.
$infodecoded = json_decode($fileContents, true);
foreach($fileContents as $row) {
if (($row['meetdate']) == $meetdate) {
$row['handout'] = $acronym;
//Save the JSON string to a text file.
$infoencoded = json_encode($infodecoded);
file_put_contents("../editor/textfiles/meetinfo_arrayTest.txt", $infoencoded);