I have many .xls files in same directory. Each filename is named mmddyy.xls <br>example<br>c:\My Excel File\Production Files\0705.00.xls<br>or as referenced in the macro<br>C:\My Excel Files\Production Files\" & myFile<br><br>I now have an InputBox that auto_opens and user requests to readonly one of the files by entering <br>mmddyy <br>for example: 070500<br><br>Sub button0_onclick()<br> Dim returntext<br><br> returntext = InputBox("Enter the month day year with NO SPACES.....example: you type 080400 to view the file for 8/4/00"<br><br> myFile = Format(thisdate, "mm" & Format(thisdate, "dd" & Format(thisdate, "yy" & returntext & ".xls"<br><br>Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\My Excel Files\Production Files\" & myFile<br><br><br>as long as the file exists it opens <br>I now need to validate or error control the inputbox with an error message "date format incorrect or file not found" <br>to loop until inputboxtext = true or application.quit<br><br>also need to have inputbox open again after activeworkbook minimized or closed.<br>