I have the following code and I keep getting a type mismatch error. Any help would be appreciated.
Sub inputA()
Dim ans As String, inp As String, quest As String, Answer As Integer
'Selecting the cell to change.
ans = Application.InputBox("Type the cell you wish to change. For example: C23.", Answer)
If ans = False Then
MsgBox ("Please type in a cell to change!"
, vbCritical, "Warning"
Call inputA
End If
If ans = "" Then
MsgBox ("Please type in a cell to change!"
, vbCritical, "Warning"
Call inputA
End If
inp = InputBox("Type in the new number.", Answer)
If inp = "" Then
MsgBox ("Please type in a number!"
, vbCritical, "Warning"
Call inputA
End If
range(ans).Value = inp
'Asking to change more cells.
quest = MsgBox("Do you have more samples or markers to change?", vbYesNo, "Next step"
If quest = vbYes Then
Call inputA
End If
If quest = vbNo Then
Call Calculate
End If
End Sub
Sub inputA()
Dim ans As String, inp As String, quest As String, Answer As Integer
'Selecting the cell to change.
ans = Application.InputBox("Type the cell you wish to change. For example: C23.", Answer)
If ans = False Then
MsgBox ("Please type in a cell to change!"
Call inputA
End If
If ans = "" Then
MsgBox ("Please type in a cell to change!"
Call inputA
End If
inp = InputBox("Type in the new number.", Answer)
If inp = "" Then
MsgBox ("Please type in a number!"
Call inputA
End If
range(ans).Value = inp
'Asking to change more cells.
quest = MsgBox("Do you have more samples or markers to change?", vbYesNo, "Next step"
If quest = vbYes Then
Call inputA
End If
If quest = vbNo Then
Call Calculate
End If
End Sub