This is probably pretty dumb, but I have not yet found the fix for my problem
I am developing a web based app using ASP.Net with vb6 code behind.
I want to use the input box function but the input box diplays minimized for some reason (or perhaps behind the web form??)
Basically I have a web form with a number of command buttons
from one of these buttons I want to have the inputbox pop up then process whatever the use enters.
I then do some validation and change the string to a date and call a SQL procedure.
Works fine except for the input box being minimized.
I am developing a web based app using ASP.Net with vb6 code behind.
I want to use the input box function but the input box diplays minimized for some reason (or perhaps behind the web form??)
Basically I have a web form with a number of command buttons
from one of these buttons I want to have the inputbox pop up then process whatever the use enters.
Dim dteInspect As String
dteInspect = InputBox("Please enter date inspected in format 'dd/mm/yyyy'.", "Input date", "03/06/07")
I then do some validation and change the string to a date and call a SQL procedure.
Works fine except for the input box being minimized.