I have written some simple code in ASP (see below) with 2 submit buttons. Is there a way to replace the submit buttons by an image? I already used type="image", but I read that the value option of this type doens't work. I know there must be a 'onclick='-command to define the 'lang'-variable. Or are there other ways to do it? Who can help me on this?
<% lang = request.form("language") %>
<% if lang = "2" then %>
<% else %>
<% end if %>
<FORM action="[URL unfurl="true"]http://mysite.asp"[/URL] method="post">
<INPUT name="language" type="submit" src="/jpg/NLbutton.jpg" value="1">
<INPUT name="language" type="submit" src="/jpg/ENbutton.jpg" value="2">