This is driving me nuts, The annoying default 0 (zero) in a numeric field display
Input Mask of 999,999,999 and a Format of "K".
When the textbox gets the focus via Tab and the whole textbox is highlighted, there is no problem But when the textbox is entered via the mouse and a value is being entered a 0 (zero) shows up as the last number. When I enter say 500, the zero is still there and the 500 now becomes 5,000
If I remove the comma in the input mask then everything is ok, But I need the damn comma.
I have tried with format = KR, KRZ etc but no luck.
Any and All suggestions would be greatly appreceated
Input Mask of 999,999,999 and a Format of "K".
When the textbox gets the focus via Tab and the whole textbox is highlighted, there is no problem But when the textbox is entered via the mouse and a value is being entered a 0 (zero) shows up as the last number. When I enter say 500, the zero is still there and the 500 now becomes 5,000
If I remove the comma in the input mask then everything is ok, But I need the damn comma.
I have tried with format = KR, KRZ etc but no luck.
Any and All suggestions would be greatly appreceated