Use a custom function to do that, for the tel number you could use something like:
Let( [TempNum= Filter(number; "0123456789");
//remove leading 1
Num = If(Left(tempnum;1) = 1; Middle(tempnum;2;99); tempnum);
Phone = "("& Left(num;3) &
") "& Middle(num;4;3) &
"-"& Middle(num;7;4) &
// if it exceeds a length assume it is an extension
If(Length(num)> 10; " x"&Middle(num;11;99);"")];
If(Length ( Num ) < 10;
// if number is to short less than 10 digits display it in red as error
TextColor ( phone ; RGB ( 255 ; 0 ; 0 ) );
// remove color format
TextColor ( phone ; RGB (0 ; 0 ; 0 ))))
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