Let's say there's tblEmployee with a field EmpID that is auto-numbered. Data is added to the table via Page1.asp
For whatever reason, on Page2.asp we need to have Max(EmpID) pull up from tblEmployee in order to be loaded with some other fields into tblZ. So, tblZ has these fields requiring input: EmpID, Fld1, Fld2.
How can I get the default value of the input field for EmpID on Page3.asp to automatically populate with Max(EmpID) from tblEmployee? I've tried several ways and I can't solve it. (Really new at ASP).
For whatever reason, on Page2.asp we need to have Max(EmpID) pull up from tblEmployee in order to be loaded with some other fields into tblZ. So, tblZ has these fields requiring input: EmpID, Fld1, Fld2.
How can I get the default value of the input field for EmpID on Page3.asp to automatically populate with Max(EmpID) from tblEmployee? I've tried several ways and I can't solve it. (Really new at ASP).