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input box on form losing focus 1

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Jul 28, 2005
Hi all,

Hope someone can help on this one.

I have a form which has dynamically populated dropdowns (one depends on the choise in the previous). There is also an input box that needs to be filled in before submission.

Now, the problem is that in Firefox I can't get the input box to keeps it's focus. In IE everything is fine but when I click in the box in FF the focus switched back to the dropdown bow above.

Here is the code (it has some php stuff and javascript calls in there to control the second input box).

<form action="villasearch.php" method="post" name="proprent" id="proprent" onsubmit="YY_checkform('proprent','Bedrooms','#q','1','Number of Bedrooms must be selected');return document.MM_returnValue">
      <label> <br />
        <span class="formspacing">
		  echo "<select name='country' onchange=\"reload(this.form)\" class=\"formelements\"><option value='' >Country?</option>";
while($noticia2 = mysql_fetch_array($quer2)) { 
if($noticia2['cid']==@$country){echo "<option selected value='$noticia2[cid]'>$noticia2[country_name]</option>"."<BR>";}
else{echo  "<option value='$noticia2[cid]'>$noticia2[country_name]</option>";}
echo "</select>";
          </span><br />
        <br />
		  echo "<select name='region' class=\"formelements\"><option value=''>Region?</option>";
while($noticia = mysql_fetch_array($quer)) { 
echo  "<option value='$noticia[rid]'>$noticia[region_name]</option>";
echo "</select>";
        <br />
        <br />
        <input name="beds" class="formelements" id="beds" onFocus="if(this.value=='Bedrooms?')this.value='';" value="Bedrooms?"/>
      <br />
      <br />
      <div align="right">
          <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />

Anyone know why this might be happening.


Sure Dan,

Here is the client side form code

<form action="villasearch.php" method="post" name="proprent" id="proprent" onsubmit="YY_checkform('proprent','Bedrooms','#q','1','Number of Bedrooms must be selected');return document.MM_returnValue">
      <label> <br />
        <span class="formspacing">

          <select name='country' onchange="reload(this.form)" class="formelements"><option value='' >Country?</option><option value='1'>Australia</option><option selected value='14'>England</option><BR></select>          </span><br />
        <br />
        <select name='region' class="formelements"><option value=''>Region?</option><option value='52'>Norfolk</option><option value='58'>Yorkshire</option></select>        <br />

        <br />
        <input name="beds" class="formelements" id="beds" onFocus="if(this.value=='Bedrooms?')this.value='';" value="Bedrooms?"/>
      <br />
      <br />
      <div align="right">
          <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />


and the javascript (both the validate and the reload code for the dropdowns)

function YY_checkform() { //v4.71
//copyright (c)1998,2002 Yaromat.com
  var a=YY_checkform.arguments,oo=true,v='',s='',err=false,r,o,at,o1,t,i,j,ma,rx,cd,cm,cy,dte,at;
  for (i=1; i<a.length;i=i+4){
    if (a[i+1].charAt(0)=='#'){r=true; a[i+1]=a[i+1].substring(1);}else{r=false}
    if (o.type=='text'||o.type=='password'||o.type=='hidden'){
      if (r&&v.length==0){err=true}
      if (v.length>0)
      if (t==1){ //fromto
        ma=a[i+1].split('_');if(isNaN(v)||v<ma[0]/1||v > ma[1]/1){err=true}
      } else if (t==2){
        rx=new RegExp("^[\\w\.=-]+@[\\w\\.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$");if(!rx.test(v))err=true;
      } else if (t==3){ // date
          dte=new Date(cy,cm,cd);
      } else if (t==4){ // time
      } else if (t==5){ // check this 2
      } else if (t==6){ // the same
    } else
    if (!o.type&&o.length>0&&o[0].type=='radio'){
          at = a[i].match(/(.*)\[(\d+)\].*/i);
      if (t==1&&o2&&o2.checked&&o1&&o1.value.length/1==0){err=true}
      if (t==2){
        if(!oo){s+='* '+a[i+3]+'\n'}
    } else if (o.type=='checkbox'){
    } else if (o.type=='select-one'||o.type=='select-multiple'){
    }else if (o.type=='textarea'){
    if (err){s+='* '+a[i+3]+'\n'; err=false}
  if (s!=''){alert('You have not fully filled in the form.:\t\t\t\t\t\n\n'+s)}
  document.MM_returnValue = (s=='');

function reload(form){
var val=form.country.options[form.country.options.selectedIndex].value;
self.location='index.php?country=' + val ;


Think that's all, but it might be worth mentioning that I have two forms on this page (don't know if that makes a difference). The second form is viryually identical, it just looks at a different table to get the options and the reload javascript is replaced by
function reloaded(form){
var val=form.country1.options[form.country1.options.selectedIndex].value;
self.location='index.php?country1=' + val ;

so that they both do as they should.


sussed it out!

It was the label tag I had in. It was all messed up and relating virtually everything to the region box in the form.

I've stripped them out as I don't think I need them anywhere and the form is behaving itself now.

Good to see you got there. Have you thought about cutting down the validation function to just the bare essesntials? That looks like a generic "do-it-all" function, which you probably don't need.

Hope this helps,

Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

[tt]Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch
Hi Dan,

Thanks for that.
Yes, the javascript on the form for validation is pretty generic (it's from an extension I have on Dreamweaver). I'm pretty useless at Javascript so am using it, it also means that I can use the code on other forms that collect stuff like email addresses and dates too so I'm not sure if any of the stuff there can be cut out.

Of course, any tips on how to go through it are well recieved!

A star I think for getting me thinking.

Thanks again,

Aaah - if you use the code on other pages, then you should probably leave it as-is... After all - if it works, why change it!

If it was only on the one page, then you could cut it down considerably.


Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

[tt]Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch
Thanks Dan,

Yes it's is well and truly reused all over the place. This is a large rental/sales portal where people can advertise there properties etc. so there are lots of forms to be filled in that have to be validated. All kinds of different things, so it's probably best for me to leave it all in there.

Yet again you have been very helpful, I reckon I need to get the hang of Javascript soon, maybe over the summer when I am back in wet old blighty!!

I've stripped [label elements] out as I don't think I need them anywhere
You don't need them, but they're nice to have for accessibility and usability purposes - assuming your form controls actually have labels, which yours apparently don't.

Used carefully, you can use them to build forms where all the layout is in the CSS, and you have no <br>s etc. in the markup. See
-- Chris Hunt
Webmaster & Tragedian
Extra Connections Ltd
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