I have a line of SQL code that looks like:<br>
If Me.Text2 <> "" Then<br>
SQLStmt=SQLStmt& "(Table1.Terr = ' " & Me.Text2 & " ')"<br>
Instead of getting the number from a Unbound field called Me.Text2, I want to get the Number from the answer received from an InputBox.<br>
The line of code for the InputBox is:<br>
Me.Filter = "Terr = " & InputBox("Get terr:", " Get Terr"<br>
I need help on what to change in the SQL Code ?<br>
If Me.Text2 <> "" Then<br>
SQLStmt=SQLStmt& "(Table1.Terr = ' " & Me.Text2 & " ')"<br>
Instead of getting the number from a Unbound field called Me.Text2, I want to get the Number from the answer received from an InputBox.<br>
The line of code for the InputBox is:<br>
Me.Filter = "Terr = " & InputBox("Get terr:", " Get Terr"<br>
I need help on what to change in the SQL Code ?<br>