I want to input a date via a filter and have it used in a calculation.
Forecast date of? XX-XX-2008 - User Input
Use this XX-XX-2008 and populate a date field in Project so I can calculate "Days Behind" based on the XX-XX-2008 date
Here's the formula:
round(([Early Finish]-[Early Start])*([% Complete]/100)-((XX-XX-2008)-Early Start]),0)
I was using the Current Date for the XX-XX-2008 date because anyone could tell if an activity was behind based on this formula.
However the Management request is to make the (XX-XX-2008) a variable, usually a following Wednesday to find out how far behind we will be if it is not statused.
I'm looking for an easy way to do this.
I have told management to just change the Current Date in the Project Pull Down but I was told it needs to be simpler.
So you see where I am going with this.
Thanks for any help.
Forecast date of? XX-XX-2008 - User Input
Use this XX-XX-2008 and populate a date field in Project so I can calculate "Days Behind" based on the XX-XX-2008 date
Here's the formula:
round(([Early Finish]-[Early Start])*([% Complete]/100)-((XX-XX-2008)-Early Start]),0)
I was using the Current Date for the XX-XX-2008 date because anyone could tell if an activity was behind based on this formula.
However the Management request is to make the (XX-XX-2008) a variable, usually a following Wednesday to find out how far behind we will be if it is not statused.
I'm looking for an easy way to do this.
I have told management to just change the Current Date in the Project Pull Down but I was told it needs to be simpler.
So you see where I am going with this.
Thanks for any help.