What is the best solution to have text wrap around an inline image in text, I understand that you could place an image but text will follow only from the top and from the bottom but not on the 2 sides, any solution?
Thanx for replying. So then what's the best idea or solution to my problem? I'm making a book and through the pages I would like to put in some photographs of various people, I've seen it already in alot of books how do they do it.
The only I can see you doing this (unless there is some fantastic new thing I'm not aware of) your going to have to do it the old fashioned way...make your picture box, put it where you want it, give it a text wrap and then cross your fingers nothing reflows
Actually there is one trick you can use. If the images in question come at the beginning of paragraphs, insert them as inlines as the first 'character' of the para, and then set a drop cap for that para. You can kern the first character after the image away from the image in order to adjust the amount of 'runaround.'
The dropCap will work with inline images but it's limiting, is there a reason you don't want to convert the graphic so you can use textwrap?
Inline images are easy to convert simply cut and paste the graphic, the only problem is that the pasted graphic doesn't place in the same position that it was cut from. I wrote a simple vbscript that I assigned to a hot key. The script cuts and pastes inline images in the same position and adds text wrap to the image if you are working with windows and the script will help you I'd be happy to share it.
Copy the script below and paste it into notepad and save it with the extension .vbs be sure and change the "save as type to:" "All Files". Save the file to the directory "C:\Program Files\Adobe\InDesign CS\Presets\Scripts." You can then run the script from the scripts pallet or you can set a keyboard shortcut to the script. Select the inline graphic, run the script and the graphic will be converted, you can set the textwrap ofset using myOfsetTop, myOfsetBottom etc. This script will run with indesign CS running on windows.
Let me know how it goes.
Set myInDesign = CreateObject("InDesign.Application.CS"
rem set offset for text wrap here
myOfsetTop = 0
myOfsetBottom =0
myOfsetLeft = 0
myOfsetRight = 0
Set myDocument = myInDesign.ActiveDocument
Set mySelection = myDocument.Selection.Item(1)
Oh Perrin Thank you so much, But it comes out an error: Syntax error: 2146827286. And what do you mean by 'you can set the textwrap ofset using myOfsetTop, myOfsetBottom etc.'
In case you didn't see it, Mechel, one of the lines wrapped. The last line that begins with "mySelection.textWrap" should end with that "myOfsetRight)" words... that is, those two (and the blank line between them) should be all one line.
I think Genimuse is probably right about your problem being the line that wrapped, if that didn't solve it let us know.
Change the variables from 0 to the offset you want for the top, bottom, left and right. The units will correspond the the units set in your preferences, eg, if your preferences are in inches the ofset will be in inches.
rem set offset for text wrap here
myOfsetTop = 0
myOfsetBottom = 0
myOfsetLeft = 0
myOfsetRight = 0
Thanx so much it worked this time, but what happens is that it converts it to regular image that's has text wrap around it, I don't need that, I need something that is going to move along with the text but this dosen't seem to work here, unless something is wrong with me not doing something right.
Thanx again so much for you precious time I really appreciate it
Yes that's what this script is supposed to be doing, that's what I stated in my original post. Unfortunatly other than the dropCap trick there is no way I know of adding text wrap to an inline graphic, I wish there was :-(
Thanx Perin anyway, you did a wonderful job.
I would like to know where to start if I want to make a 'Script' for Indesign 2/cs. I never touched Visual basic. Are there any websites for that matter?
there is a Indesign Scripting forum there. There are lots of very knowledgeable people there that are always quick to help a beginner or an expert. I'm still fairly new to Indesign scripting and I'm always getting new ideas of things I can automate with scripts. You can program using either visualBasic/VBScript or Javascript for windows or applescript for the Mac. Your Indesign CD also has a comprehensive scripting manual on it. I think scripting is one of the most useful and little known aspects of Indesign.
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