Currently xmtrend is running from the inittab with the spawn option. I have been asked to turn it off because it is eating resources and no one is looking at the output. Below is the line from etc/inittab that seems to start it
ptxtrend:2:respawn:/usr/bin/xmtrend -/etc/perf/ -d /etc/perf 2>&1 >/dev/null # Start trend
I have never modified the /etc/inittab but it looks like I can remove the xmtrend line with the following command -
rmitab "ptxtrend"
I would then follow with telinit q to force the system to reread the file.
Does this sound correct? I obviously don't want to make a mistake with the inittab file.
Thanks - Brad
ptxtrend:2:respawn:/usr/bin/xmtrend -/etc/perf/ -d /etc/perf 2>&1 >/dev/null # Start trend
I have never modified the /etc/inittab but it looks like I can remove the xmtrend line with the following command -
rmitab "ptxtrend"
I would then follow with telinit q to force the system to reread the file.
Does this sound correct? I obviously don't want to make a mistake with the inittab file.
Thanks - Brad