I believe it should be in your ORACLE_HOME/dbs subdirectory, but it may be different on AIX. This information will be in your system-specific release notes and documentation. Its name will be init.ora if you haven't already created a database. Otherwise, it will be called initSID.ora, where SID is the name you specified when you created your database.
To change values in this file, you open it with the text editor of your choice and make the desired changes. Once you have saved the file, you must bounce the instance for the new values to be in effect.
to find out the location of your init.ora file you have to look Your Oracle Documentation.
Ok now as far as changing the values of that file is a little bit risky if you dont know Oralce internals well.
if you chage the values to wrong , you cannot start your Oracle Instance( oracle Server).
Remember you have to restart oralce instace to chage afect the changed init.ora file.
Faheem brings up a good point. It's a good idea to make a copy of your initSID.ora file before you make changes to it. That way, you can always go back if you have to!
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