Database porting across another server can be accomplished by using export and import utility. Steps involved:
1. Install relevant Informix products in target server. Make sure that the database server is configured and the instance is able to run.
2. From the source server Issue: dbexport <databasename> -ss -t <tape device> -b <block size> -s <tape size>. This will dump the entire content of the database to a tape. Alternately if you have sufficient disk space you can dump the contents to a directory which would be faster; by issuing command: dbexport <databasename> -ss -o <directoryname>. Take a tar copy of the directory and extract the contents into target server or if the servers are inter-connected, use ftp to transfer the files.
3. Take a listing of allocated spaces in the source server by onstat -d command and create spaces and relevant chunks in the target server. Keep the chunk size almost similar. set the LTAPEDEV to /dev/null in the $INFORMIXDIR/etc/$ONCONFIG file.
4. Issue dbimport to gather the data from the dump files. If the source if tape issue: dbimport <database> -t <tape device> -b <block size> -s <tape size>. If the source is a directory issue: dbimport <database> -i <source directory>
5. To activate the log mechanisms issue: ontape -s -B <database name> for buffered log database mode. ( ontape -- for full help )
6. Introduce/create relevant users into the target servers at OS level.
7. Copy all the application sources if any, (4gl, per, msg, sql etc.) into target server using tape/ftp. Re-compile all the sources and generate runnable versions.
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