ok i have a form on the website and i want to contents of the form to be saved into the mysql database. the form i'm working with now is just one text box into one field but it's not working quite right, anyone have anythoughts?<form name="newproject" action="<?php echo $PHP_self?>">
<?php $crap = mysql_connect("localhost","username","passw"
$sql = "INSERT INTO ProjectList (entryID, projectname) VALUES (null, '$projectname')";
$result = mysql_query($sql);?>
when i hit the submit button it enters a blank reord and then the info i typed the second time i press it. also if i try to enter a second value it enters the first one again, and then the new value. thanks for your help.
<?php $crap = mysql_connect("localhost","username","passw"
$sql = "INSERT INTO ProjectList (entryID, projectname) VALUES (null, '$projectname')";
$result = mysql_query($sql);?>
when i hit the submit button it enters a blank reord and then the info i typed the second time i press it. also if i try to enter a second value it enters the first one again, and then the new value. thanks for your help.