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Info on Access 2003/other Access versions

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Jun 19, 2001
Does anyone know of a good place to find information on the differences/compatibility/known issues between each version of Access? Specifically, I'm looking for differences between Access 2003 and Access XP (or any versions for that matter) from a DEVELOPER'S point of view. I don't care what new perks and goodies it has. I want to know what I need to start looking out for in my databases/code/references as far as compatibility issues.

I've been to the MS website, and I never have any luck finding anything documenting differences between versions. For example, we rely on the workgroup file heavily. With XP it turns out it no longer is by computer - now determined by user profile. I could find no mention of this anywhere on MS website documentation. (Or on tek-tips for that matter).

It sure would be nice to know things ahead of time than having to figure out why the database is acting up on the users.

Thanks for your help - and for letting me rant a little ;)
Well, Just got my trial version. As for goodies..I'm not sure if there are any changes. I'm bummed i can't seem to get the XP Style controls working.

It needs a Jet 4.0 fix that i haven't yet downloaded(you can run 2003 but it prompts you everytime you open a file).

I hadn't heard much anything about the workgroup file. That's not too good, except I use sql server.

It uses the same structure as 2002. There isn't any option to change from Access 2003 to 2002 like there was with 2002 to 97 or 2000. You can still change the format to 97, 2000.

Conclusion: What i have read is that Access has increased XML support. The only reason i was going to change was because i wanted XP Style buttons. I dont like the aged look of access 2002.

Mark P.

markphsd - Do you know if you can do a dual install of Access 97 and 2003 (like you can do with 97 & 2000 by putting them in different folders (see KB article 241141). And, will an Access 97 Runtime run on an Access 2003 pc? Don't know if you have reason to know either answer - but hope you will.
I don't know. I am running access 2002 and 2003 three right now. I've read those articles, but I never had any need to use them.

Mark P.

Thanks for the link. Appreciate it. If anyone does come up with 'real life' Access 2003 a post would be appreciated.
Good Day All,

I realize this is an old post, but someone might be interested.

Just "upgraded" to Office 2003. After our head IT guy and I tried it we thought we would take a couple of weeks to figure out all the little bugs before we implemented it through our office. Wrong! Once our db's were openned in 2003 they would not work in Access 2002 even though the file formats should be the same. Figured out it was a .dll issue.

We went ahead with the office implimentation just get everyone working in the db but have since discovered that a lot of little conviences and dependancies are not working. For example - comboboxes no longer dropping down via vba, a pair of comboboxes where the values in one is dependant on the choice made in the first no longer works, etc., etc., etc.

Everything was working fine before the update. Now grrrrrrr!

My time available to troubleshoot and VBA experience are not that great right now. If anyone would care to give me some idea of where to look at to find out what has changed, I'd appreciate it. (This is the first time this db has been through a change from one Access version to another).

Season's Greetings

I just realized I did not mention this in my previous post. I moved up from Access 2002 to Access 2003.

If the forms and reports work, BUT VBA doesn't, then you have a references issue. Press CTRL-G (opens up the VB Editor), now you have a different menu bar. Hit Tools->References and you should see some MISSING: references.

How you resolve the MISSING: is up to you: either simply remove the references, or find and install the referenced packages. I've not done a specific upgrade to 2003, in fact I haven't seen it at all, but your problem "smells familiar", if you know what I'm saying.

Hi foolio,

The forms and reports seem to work but you're right - anything VBAish/SQL (ie. queries, etc.) is not fully functional. I have checked for missing references and the only place I ran into them was on the workstations that were trying to use my db with Access 2002 subsequent to its "conversion" to 2003.

Another non-functioning combobox control has been pointed out to me after my last post and a common thread seems to be developing. The problems seem to be associated with comboboxes with VBA code behind them. Not all the boxes, but some common ones. I need to delve into it more to find out for sure but don't have time today.

Thanks for your post.

The only "incompatibility" issue I've run into is the RichTextBox control is no longer supported on Access forms. All other previously supported controls seem to work fine.

One thing to note (as with all previous version changes), if you bind directly to a reference library using references, you will have problems with different versions of Access running the same application. If you use late binding (which I highly recommend), there are fewer if any problems changing versions.

Also note that there is no developer's edition of the new Office system. If you need the Access runtime, you will need to buy the Visual Studio Tools for Microsoft Office System to get the royalty free distribution license.

Hope this helps.

Glen Appleton

VB.Net student.
Hello once again,

I've just fininshed looking through my db and all seems to be working except two identical pairs of controls on two different forms. Their malfunctions are identical.

Both controls in each pair are combo boxes.

The coding is based on faq702-681, populating the values in one combobox depending on the value in another.

I have a cbo called "Category" with its values based on a query. A cbo called "Subcategory" contains values from a second query which chooses the values based on the selection in the cbo Category.

Here are the appropriate chunks of code.

Query (SQL View) behind Category:

SELECT t_ContactCategory.ContactCategory
FROM t_ContactCategory;

cbo Category:
Row Source code:
SELECT DISTINCT q_category.ContactCategory FROM q_category;

GotFocus Event:
Private Sub Category_GotFocus()
    Me.SubCategory = Null
End Sub

After Update Event:
Private Sub Category_AfterUpdate()
    With Me
    End With
End Sub

Query (SQL View) behind SubCategory:

SELECT t_ContactSubCat.ContactSubCat, t_ContactSubCat.ContactCategory
FROM t_ContactSubCat
WHERE (((t_ContactSubCat.ContactCategory)=[Forms]![frmprojectmgr]![frmprojContactRecord]![category]));

cbo SubCategory:
Row Source:
SELECT DISTINCT qryProjSubCat.ContactSubCat FROM qryProjSubCat;

What happens is that when a choice is made from the cbo Category, focus goes to the cbo SubCategory, it drops down, but the list is blank. No values are shown. I can run both queries outside the form and they work fine. In the form nothing.

I realize this is a bit lengthy and it may not be clear. Let me know if I have missed anything you guys need to help solve this problem.

Thanks for your help.

Private Sub Category_AfterUpdate()

strSQL = "SELECT t_ContactSubCat.ContactSubCat, t_ContactSubCat.ContactCategory
FROM t_ContactSubCat
WHERE (((t_ContactSubCat.ContactCategory)=" & Me!category & "));"

With Me
.RowSource = strSQL
End With
End Sub

Mark P.

it was supposed to say...

with me!subcategory.rowsource = strSQL

Mark P.

This part stands out to me:

SELECT t_ContactSubCat.ContactSubCat, t_ContactSubCat.ContactCategory
FROM t_ContactSubCat
WHERE (((t_ContactSubCat.ContactCategory)=[Forms]![frmprojectmgr]![frmprojContactRecord]![category]));

If frmprojContactRecord is a subform of frmprojectmgr, then you need to refer to the subform CONTROL on frmprojectmgr, which may or MAY NOT be named frmprojContactRecord. THEN, use the .Form property of the SUBFORM CONTROL, then the control on that form. So it would look like:

SELECT t_ContactSubCat.ContactSubCat, t_ContactSubCat.ContactCategory
FROM t_ContactSubCat
WHERE (((t_ContactSubCat.ContactCategory)=[Forms]![frmprojectmgr]![name of subform control].Form![category]));
Hi guys,

Thanks for your input. That was sure quick.

The two controls are on a subform named "frmprojContactRecord". The main form is "frmprojectmgr". And believe it or not, it all worked fine a few days ago before the "upgrade".

But now the weekend is here and I will probably have to let this rest until Monday. Too many Christmas activities going on. I'll be in touch next week.

Have a good one,

Seasons Greetings to All,

Finally got back to my db after a Christmas break. I've spent all day on this problem and seem to have narrowed down the problem a bit.

Just to clarify a couple of things:

- I have a cbo called "Category" on a form called "frmprojContactRecord".

- "frmprojContactRecord" is a subform of "frmprojectmgr"

- the choice made in the cbo "Category" determines the contents of a second cbo (titled "SubCategory") on the same form as "Category"

This all worked well when it was an Access 2002 db.

Now, after "converting" it to Access 2003, the cbo "SubCategory" shows no values when users try to input data.

I took some time to create some new tables, queries, forms, and controls and played around with them a bit. I began with a simple form and two cbo linked to each other. They worked fine. When I took that first test form and made it a subform to a second test form, adjusted all referrences in queries, etc. it began to misbehave in the same way my project is misbehaving. I have reproduced this a couple of times. I am beginning to think that Microsoft has changed something in the way controls on subforms are referred to.

BTW, the queries behind the cbo's (my originals plus the test ones I created today) work well when invoked from the Queries Object page.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Thanks for your help.


Is there a site on microsoft that posts known issues on newly released software like A2003. I have several problems with it, but.. I don't think anyone here would have solutions given that A2003 is so new.

Mark P.

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