Hi guys,
I try to retrieve the filenames from an FTP site with FTP-commands.
I have the component Microsoft Internet Transfer 6.0 SP6 on my form. (msinet.ocx)
In Visual Basic 6.0 this works:
With Inet1
.URL = "ftp://myftpsite.com"
.UserName = "emailaddress@myprovider.com"
.Password = "mypassword"
.Execute , "DIR"
End with
When I do the same (with Olecontrole1) in VFP 9 SP2 or VFP 6.0 Sp5 it won't work.
When i enter the name and password manually in the properties I see that the url is automatically rewritten in
Then I get the error URL is malformed. That is because of the @-sign in de Username. So double @ in the URL.
This does not happen in VB. in VB the URL is not rewritten.
Question: How to retrieve filenames from FTP server in VFP. Or how to overcome the error message?
I try to retrieve the filenames from an FTP site with FTP-commands.
I have the component Microsoft Internet Transfer 6.0 SP6 on my form. (msinet.ocx)
In Visual Basic 6.0 this works:
With Inet1
.URL = "ftp://myftpsite.com"
.UserName = "emailaddress@myprovider.com"
.Password = "mypassword"
.Execute , "DIR"
End with
When I do the same (with Olecontrole1) in VFP 9 SP2 or VFP 6.0 Sp5 it won't work.
When i enter the name and password manually in the properties I see that the url is automatically rewritten in
Then I get the error URL is malformed. That is because of the @-sign in de Username. So double @ in the URL.
This does not happen in VB. in VB the URL is not rewritten.
Question: How to retrieve filenames from FTP server in VFP. Or how to overcome the error message?