I have a callback function to fill a list box that goes like this:
This is basically a list of database users, and whether or not they are currently logged on to the database. What I want to do is, if the user is logged on, turn that list item green, and if they are not logged on, turn it red. So here's what I tried to do:
This not only doesn't work, it messes up the rest of the data in the list box. What am I doing wrong? Is this kind of thing even possible?
Function FillList(ctl As Control, varID As Variant, lngRow As Long, lngCol As Long, intCode As Integer) As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_FillList
Dim varRetval As Variant
Static db As DAO.Database
Static rstData As DAO.Recordset
Select Case intCode
Case acLBInitialize
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rstData = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT [tbl Users].Name, [tbl Users].Online FROM [tbl Users];")
varRetval = True
Case acLBOpen
varRetval = Timer
Case acLBGetRowCount
varRetval = rstData.RecordCount + 1
Case acLBGetColumnCount
varRetval = 2
Case acLBGetColumnWidth
varRetval = -1
Case acLBGetValue
Select Case lngRow
Case 0
Select Case lngCol
Case 0
varRetval = "Name"
Case 1
varRetval = "Online?"
End Select
Case Else
rstData.Move lngRow - 1
Select Case lngCol
Case 0
varRetval = rstData(lngCol)
Case 1
varRetval = Switch(rstData(lngCol) = -1, "Yes", rstData(lngCol) = 0, "No")
End Select
End Select
Case acLBGetFormat
varRetval = -1
Case acLBEnd
Set rstData = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Select
FillList = varRetval
Exit Function
MsgBox err.Number & ": " & err.Description
Resume Exit_FillList
End Function
Case acLBGetFormat
If rstData(1) = -1 then
retval = "[green]"
varRetval = "[red]"
End If
This not only doesn't work, it messes up the rest of the data in the list box. What am I doing wrong? Is this kind of thing even possible?