Technical User
I have 3 tables:
Client_Data tbl
Client Name PK
client phone
client address
Open_Episode tbl
Client Name PK
Admit Date
suicidal? (yes/no)
homicidal? (yes/no)
Diagnosis_history tbl
Client Name PK
Axis 1 Diagnosis
Axis 2 Diagnosis
Axis 3 Diagnosis
Axis 4 Diagnosis
Axis 5 GAF score
Date Diagnosis assigned
I have 2 forms. The first form "referral_form" adds all the data to the Client_Data table(no problems)
My second form is called Open_episode and is used when a Therapist actually opens the client from the referral.
Part of this form adds the admit date, suicidal/homicidal info to the Open_Episode tbl, and part adds the diagnosis information to the Diagnosis_history table.
On this second form i use a list box so the user can chooose the client's name(populated from the Client_data table, Client name field), and then the user can enter the information that will update the Open_Episode and Diagnosis_history tables. However when I submit with an add new record button it gives me the "index or primary key cannot contain a null value" error.
my thoughts: is this happening because there are no client names in the Open_episode and Diagnosis_history tables yet?
Would appreciate any advice.
This is my first big Access creation, I have read the normalization and Form 1-3 reads... but was wondering what I was doing wrong here. I think I'm missing a step.
Thanks in advance
I can provide you with what I currently have.. Its access 2007.. Let me know if you need it to solve this problem
Client_Data tbl
Client Name PK
client phone
client address
Open_Episode tbl
Client Name PK
Admit Date
suicidal? (yes/no)
homicidal? (yes/no)
Diagnosis_history tbl
Client Name PK
Axis 1 Diagnosis
Axis 2 Diagnosis
Axis 3 Diagnosis
Axis 4 Diagnosis
Axis 5 GAF score
Date Diagnosis assigned
I have 2 forms. The first form "referral_form" adds all the data to the Client_Data table(no problems)
My second form is called Open_episode and is used when a Therapist actually opens the client from the referral.
Part of this form adds the admit date, suicidal/homicidal info to the Open_Episode tbl, and part adds the diagnosis information to the Diagnosis_history table.
On this second form i use a list box so the user can chooose the client's name(populated from the Client_data table, Client name field), and then the user can enter the information that will update the Open_Episode and Diagnosis_history tables. However when I submit with an add new record button it gives me the "index or primary key cannot contain a null value" error.
my thoughts: is this happening because there are no client names in the Open_episode and Diagnosis_history tables yet?
Would appreciate any advice.
This is my first big Access creation, I have read the normalization and Form 1-3 reads... but was wondering what I was doing wrong here. I think I'm missing a step.
Thanks in advance
I can provide you with what I currently have.. Its access 2007.. Let me know if you need it to solve this problem