I'm not sure if this is the right forum but........
I need to get an Multiple cabinet/site system(s) with CPU X processors. What else do I need (Cassettes/anything else) to achieve IP trunks/VOIP and all that good stuff?
The Easiest way to network index systems is with DPNSS or QSIG.
If you have a Newtork connection between the sites you can also use "INDeX NET" for tighter intigration.
If you wish to use VoIP (to save installing a 2nd private link ) then you can use the IPNC this is efectivly an argent branch in an index cassete & can be confugure to give DPNSS style working between INDeX's usig VoIP.
the programming is probably a little in depth for this forum, but if you do need any further info please ask.
I come from an Avaya definity back ground and have worked on the INDEX systems for sometime but have never gone into the IP side of things. In the definity you need two circuit packs to enable VOIP. A board to simulate PSTN signalling and a board for the VOIP. Is this true for the INDEX or is the IPNC the only cassette needed?
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