I do so hate Indesign but since I have clients that use it I have no choice. The newest problem for me is one of plug ins. I am now receiving an error message when I try to launch the application that say s this... " Cannot load RunIn Styles Panel. framework because it requires Paragraph Panel. Please install the Paragraph Panel plug-in and restar Indesign". Well Oddly enough both of the plug ins are in the plug ins folder. I have reloaded the software, tried to copy others plug in folders to mine, copied the application itself from anothers machine, have searched the interent trying to find this damned plug in and in the processes have become so frustrated i've given up and want to tell Adobe what they can do with Indesign. If anyone has any solutions to this please let me know. I'm not sure if I would be appreciative because it would cause me to continue to have to work in Indesign but thanks for all help given.