I am appending 1 record I want to increment by 1 into tbl_19_1colorrev and (I need to increment "revision" it by one) . This is what I have but it is incrementing the table linked to the main form. This revision table is in a subform sfrm19_1. The main form has a revision field also. but I just want to increment the record in tbl_19_1colorrev"......
This is what I have that is not working.
Set rs = Currentdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT CRM_NBR,revision FROM tbl_19_1colorrev where crm_nbr ='" & Me.cmbCRM & Me.revision & "'")
Me.sfrm19_1!revision = (revision) + 1 <trying to revise subform
'Me![revision] = (revision) + 1 <I tried rs(revision) but got an error.
'End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
This is what I have that is not working.
Set rs = Currentdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT CRM_NBR,revision FROM tbl_19_1colorrev where crm_nbr ='" & Me.cmbCRM & Me.revision & "'")
Me.sfrm19_1!revision = (revision) + 1 <trying to revise subform
'Me![revision] = (revision) + 1 <I tried rs(revision) but got an error.
'End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing