I am at a loss on what is going on or why. I have a database that imports an excel spreadsheet, makes some tables, exports the data to a text file and then combines the text just exported to another text file at the end. I do this for several different states. The problem I am having is that the whole program does not run as it should but never fails in the same place. One time it may be the Arkansas file that is incorrect but next time I try it Arkansas will be correct and Utah is incorrect and so on. If it was always the same file that was incorrect I could pinpoint the problem. Occasionally the whole file will be correct but rarely. Seems to me something must be running in the background causing the program to fail at different times. Does anyone have any ideas why it works sometimes and then doesn't? I have come to a dead end trying to make this work? Please HELP!!! Lisa
I am at a loss on what is going on or why. I have a database that imports an excel spreadsheet, makes some tables, exports the data to a text file and then combines the text just exported to another text file at the end. I do this for several different states. The problem I am having is that the whole program does not run as it should but never fails in the same place. One time it may be the Arkansas file that is incorrect but next time I try it Arkansas will be correct and Utah is incorrect and so on. If it was always the same file that was incorrect I could pinpoint the problem. Occasionally the whole file will be correct but rarely. Seems to me something must be running in the background causing the program to fail at different times. Does anyone have any ideas why it works sometimes and then doesn't? I have come to a dead end trying to make this work? Please HELP!!! Lisa