I have a situation where my ftp script is grabbing a large file before it's completely generated on the source system. Normally I'd have the source system write a flag file which, if present, indicates that the file I really want has been completed. However, management wants the process expanded to some 35+ databases/servers ... and getting everything modified to write flag files (and to maintain that logic through updates, etc.) would be a nightmare.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Someone told me to turn on the 'incomplete file' flag ... but can't find any reference to that nor have I ever heard of it before.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
"My mind is like a steel whatchamacallit ...
Does anyone have any suggestions? Someone told me to turn on the 'incomplete file' flag ... but can't find any reference to that nor have I ever heard of it before.
Thanks in advance for your assistance.
"My mind is like a steel whatchamacallit ...