I am learning JSP as I go....
Can anyone tell me how to set it up so that I use aUser to fetch stuff inside BBUser
Many, many thanks,
HttpSession mySession = pageContext.getSession();
if(mySession.getAttribute("User" == null)
<SCRIPT Language="Javascript">
self.location = "index.jsp";
BBUser theUser = (BBUser) mySession.getAttribute("User"
BBClient theClient= theUser.getClient();
BBUser aUser = theUser.getUserID();<~~ what to do??? I want to set it up so that I can call everything inside BBUser. ...
........getUserID return a String ( see method below)
String temp_User_Action = OPSys.stripNull(request.getParameter("userAction");
String temp_Dealer_ID = OPSys.stripNull(request.getParameter("dealerID");
String temp_User_ID = OPSys.stripNull(request.getParameter("userID");
String temp_User_Name = OPSys.stripNull(request.getParameter("userName");
aUser = BBUser.getUser(temp_User_ID); <~~ before of previous problem, I can't set this up properly..need help on this !!
temp_User_Name = aUser.getName();
An error occurred between lines: 30 and 123 in the jsp file: /mUser.jsp Generated servlet error: D:\Tomcat\work\Standalone\localhost\BB\mUser$jsp.java:115: Incompatible type for declaration. Can't convert java.lang.String to com.bb.BBUser.
BBUser aUser = theUser.getUserID();
1 error, 1 warning
In the methods of BBUser, this is one of the method called getUserID().
public String getUserID()
return m_userID.toUpperCase().trim();
I am learning JSP as I go....
Can anyone tell me how to set it up so that I use aUser to fetch stuff inside BBUser
Many, many thanks,
HttpSession mySession = pageContext.getSession();
if(mySession.getAttribute("User" == null)
<SCRIPT Language="Javascript">
self.location = "index.jsp";
BBUser theUser = (BBUser) mySession.getAttribute("User"
BBClient theClient= theUser.getClient();
BBUser aUser = theUser.getUserID();<~~ what to do??? I want to set it up so that I can call everything inside BBUser. ...
........getUserID return a String ( see method below)
String temp_User_Action = OPSys.stripNull(request.getParameter("userAction");
String temp_Dealer_ID = OPSys.stripNull(request.getParameter("dealerID");
String temp_User_ID = OPSys.stripNull(request.getParameter("userID");
String temp_User_Name = OPSys.stripNull(request.getParameter("userName");
aUser = BBUser.getUser(temp_User_ID); <~~ before of previous problem, I can't set this up properly..need help on this !!
temp_User_Name = aUser.getName();
An error occurred between lines: 30 and 123 in the jsp file: /mUser.jsp Generated servlet error: D:\Tomcat\work\Standalone\localhost\BB\mUser$jsp.java:115: Incompatible type for declaration. Can't convert java.lang.String to com.bb.BBUser.
BBUser aUser = theUser.getUserID();
1 error, 1 warning
In the methods of BBUser, this is one of the method called getUserID().
public String getUserID()
return m_userID.toUpperCase().trim();