I am pretty new to the world of PHP, so please bear with me.
Say I have a file, .php or .php3, and it has a lot of variables in it that are global and can be used on every page that it is included in.
So say the file is named include.php3 and has information such as this within it:
$name = "your name";
$age = "your age";
$height = "your height";
Ok, if I included that file with another PHP file, and use the variable $name, will it have the value "your name" or will it have no value?
I know that if you have a main functions file and include that, you can call functions from that file, so I would assume variables would be the same way.
Any help is appreciated.
vic cherubini
Knows: Perl, HTML, JavScript, C/C++, PHP, Flash, Director
Wants to Know: Java, Cold Fusion, Tcl/TK
I am pretty new to the world of PHP, so please bear with me.
Say I have a file, .php or .php3, and it has a lot of variables in it that are global and can be used on every page that it is included in.
So say the file is named include.php3 and has information such as this within it:
$name = "your name";
$age = "your age";
$height = "your height";
Ok, if I included that file with another PHP file, and use the variable $name, will it have the value "your name" or will it have no value?
I know that if you have a main functions file and include that, you can call functions from that file, so I would assume variables would be the same way.
Any help is appreciated.
vic cherubini
Knows: Perl, HTML, JavScript, C/C++, PHP, Flash, Director
Wants to Know: Java, Cold Fusion, Tcl/TK