Hia all,
I'm using this way of choosing poem to be displayed, but since I'm considering letting other peoples peoms in too I want to use another way cause as soon as it's uploaded (via asp) and i'm using another script (found on the net, of course) to display all files in a certain dir. I'm about to rewrite that code to add links for those poems. But I want to use something similar to "include", but not sure what or how..
all links look like this right now: poems.asp?poem=poemname
My codes look like something a kid wrote
I have absolutely no idea what I am talking about
Somehow I still manage to make it work
I'm using this way of choosing poem to be displayed, but since I'm considering letting other peoples peoms in too I want to use another way cause as soon as it's uploaded (via asp) and i'm using another script (found on the net, of course) to display all files in a certain dir. I'm about to rewrite that code to add links for those poems. But I want to use something similar to "include", but not sure what or how..
all links look like this right now: poems.asp?poem=poemname
<% poem = Request.QueryString("poem")
If Poem = "" or poem = "privacy" Then %>
<!-- #INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/poetry/privacy.txt"-->
<% End if %>
<% If poem = "lifeindawn" Then %>
<!-- #INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/poetry/lifeindawn.txt"-->
<% End if %>
<% If poem = "andall" Then %>
<!-- #INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/poetry/andall.txt"-->
<% End if %>
<% If poem = "intheend" Then %>
<!-- #INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/poetry/intheend.txt"-->
<% End If %>
I have absolutely no idea what I am talking about
Somehow I still manage to make it work