Hi there,
Was just wondering if you could sort me out with this prob please...I want the left nav (leftnav.shtml> to be included in every page in my folder but it will not appear...where am I going wrong please??
<table border=0>
<td bgcolor="#CCCCEE"><span class="sub"><b>Menu</b></span></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="index1.htm">Home<br></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="intro.htm">Introduction<br></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="risk1.htm">Risk Assessment<br></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="act1.htm" >Activation<br></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="team1.htm" >Teams<br></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="append1.htm" >Appendices<br></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="proced1.htm" >Procedures<br></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="help2.htm">Help</a></td>
1 of my pages intro.htm
<!-- This file contains the template which will be displayed on each page -->
<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="stylesheet.css" TYPE="text/css">
<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" rightmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<table width="733" height="491" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<tr bgcolor="#A8CCCC" >
<!-- Inserts the GroupIT logo on the LHS of the page -->
<td width="182" align="left" height="79">
<img src="logo.gif" width="160" height="84"> </td>
<!-- Inserts the PTSB logo on the RHS of the page -->
<td valign="top" align="right" height="79" width="547">
<img src="logo2.gif" width="122" height="57" > </td>
<tr height="100%">
<td width="182" valign="top" bgcolor="#A8CCCC" height="412">
<!-- Places Left nav file here. Left nav is stored in leftnav.shtml. Use include
Leftnav.shtml will be a file that contains a table with the nav links. -->
<!--sets the LHS menu selection-->
<!--#include file="leftnav.shtml"-->
<td valign="top" height="412" width="547">
<!-- This is the main content area. all the content files will be includes. The content will be in tables -->
<table cellspacing="0" width="100%" cellpadding="15" border="0" height="56">
<td valign="top" height="26">
<!-- Contains the contents of the page -->
Please show me what I am doing wrong....thank you so much
Was just wondering if you could sort me out with this prob please...I want the left nav (leftnav.shtml> to be included in every page in my folder but it will not appear...where am I going wrong please??
<table border=0>
<td bgcolor="#CCCCEE"><span class="sub"><b>Menu</b></span></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="index1.htm">Home<br></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="intro.htm">Introduction<br></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="risk1.htm">Risk Assessment<br></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="act1.htm" >Activation<br></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="team1.htm" >Teams<br></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="append1.htm" >Appendices<br></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="proced1.htm" >Procedures<br></a></td>
<td bgcolor="#AAAACC"><a href="help2.htm">Help</a></td>
1 of my pages intro.htm
<!-- This file contains the template which will be displayed on each page -->
<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="stylesheet.css" TYPE="text/css">
<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" rightmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
<table width="733" height="491" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<tr bgcolor="#A8CCCC" >
<!-- Inserts the GroupIT logo on the LHS of the page -->
<td width="182" align="left" height="79">
<img src="logo.gif" width="160" height="84"> </td>
<!-- Inserts the PTSB logo on the RHS of the page -->
<td valign="top" align="right" height="79" width="547">
<img src="logo2.gif" width="122" height="57" > </td>
<tr height="100%">
<td width="182" valign="top" bgcolor="#A8CCCC" height="412">
<!-- Places Left nav file here. Left nav is stored in leftnav.shtml. Use include
Leftnav.shtml will be a file that contains a table with the nav links. -->
<!--sets the LHS menu selection-->
<!--#include file="leftnav.shtml"-->
<td valign="top" height="412" width="547">
<!-- This is the main content area. all the content files will be includes. The content will be in tables -->
<table cellspacing="0" width="100%" cellpadding="15" border="0" height="56">
<td valign="top" height="26">
<!-- Contains the contents of the page -->
Please show me what I am doing wrong....thank you so much