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Include pages and variables

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Jul 11, 2000
Is it possible to use variables to set an include page? For instance, if an alpha character passed through the URL is used to build a filename so that any one of several pages could be included in one basic header page, is there a way to use this variable in the include function? So far, I'm having no luck making it work. Here's a sample of the code I have so far:

<script language=&quot;VBScript&quot;>
dim strAlpha
dim strFileName
dim strHTML
With document.location
strAlpha = mid(.search,8,1)
strFileName = &quot;Data/tbAuthors_&quot; & strAlpha & &quot;.htm&quot;
strHTML = &quot;<!--webbot bot=&quot; & chr(34) &quot;Include&quot; & chr(34) & &quot; U-Include=&quot; & chr(34) & strFileName & chr(34) & &quot; TAG=&quot; & chr(34) & &quot;BODY&quot; & chr(34) & &quot; -->&quot;
document.write strHTML
end with
I'm pretty sure that webbot code is processed server-side by DLLs installed with FrontPage Server Extensions.

I doubt these will work client-side.

We thrashed with a client-side include mechanism in thread329-518641 but remember it only works on IE 4.x and later.

Anybody else have some input?
Thanks, I'll give that a shot and see what happens.
In the process, I came across something else that works for me, at least so far: <IFRAME>

I can retrieve the parameter from the URL, use it to build the filename to be included, then concatenate an HTML string and use document.write to write the HTML.

<script language=&quot;VBScript&quot;>
dim strAlpha
dim strFileName
dim strHTML
With document.location
strAlpha = mid(.search,8,1)
strFileName = &quot;Data/tbAuthors_&quot; & strAlpha & &quot;.htm&quot;
strHTML = &quot;<IFRAME SRC='&quot; & strFileName & &quot;' FRAMEBORDER=0 SCROLLING='auto' NAME='extra' WIDTH='540' HEIGHT='415' ></IFRAME>&quot;
document.write strHTML
end with

So far, that's working and looks like it'll do what I need.

Until the next thing pops up ... :)
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