my website uses drop-down menus with links and a left panel with picture button links. the links are the same for almost all of the pages. the problem is that links are added or removed from the drop menus and buttons about once a month. instead of having to update the drop menus and buttons for all the pages, i thought it would be much easier to update two include files: one for the drop menus and the other for the buttons. then on each page in the button and menu sections simply put the include file code. my concern is how this will affect my ranking. any suggestions? also, i'm writing product lists from a database. i want the spider to follow the link to the full description of the product. problem is that my full description pages are dynamically generated, so without using a form, how will the discription.asp page know which product to display? i know spiders won't submit forms, so how could this be achieved alternatively? thanks a bunch for any suggestions.